
How to Make Money and Create Community with Monuments - Volume 1

Enabling value with monuments isn’t just about a monument itself. Stakeholders and communities themselves need to take an active part in the creation process in order to enable that value. Seeing the true significance of a monument or landmark realized is as much about people as it is about an actual structure or place.

This book highlights how many individuals, organizations and entire communities have created this value so that readers can better understand what approach they might take to do the same.

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Exploring the Economic and Cultural Potential of Monuments - Volume 1

Enabling value with monuments isn’t just about a monument itself. Stakeholders and communities themselves need to take an active part in the creation process in order to enable that value. Seeing the true significance of a monument or landmark realized is as much about people as it is about an actual structure or place.

This book explores the economic and cultural impact that monuments can enable while showcasing a variety of professionals that are enabling these distinctions and differences today.

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Defining Our World with Monuments, Landmarks and Attractions - Volume 1

Enabling value with monuments isn’t just about a monument itself. Stakeholders and communities themselves need to take an active part in the creation process in order to enable that value. Seeing the true significance of a monument or landmark realized is as much about people as it is about an actual structure or place.

This book shoowcases the economic and cultural impact that monuments have had onn communities and businesses across the world.

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A preview of the book is available as a downloadable PDF.

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